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Friedrich Max Muller and H. Blavatsky were contemporaries and both contributed much to the discovery of Oriental religions and traditions in general, those of India in particular. Blavatsky frequently quotes from Muller's works, though she does not always agree with him. Max Muller, a German Sanskritist who spent most of his working life as professor of comparative philology at Oxford, is well known for publishing the first critical edition of the Rig Vedaand he was also the moving spirit behind the fifty volumes of The Sacred Scope of comparative religion 4th edition weapons of the Easta series of annotated translations of important texts from the religions of the Orient. In the Introduction to his biography on the life and works of Max Muller, Lourens P. Max's mother, Adelheid von Basedow, came from an upper-class German family; her grandfather was a prominent liberal theologian. This background gave Muller the opportunity to study philology and philosophy, first in Leipzig and later in Berlin and Paris. He took an interest in Spinoza's concept of God with its pantheistic implications, and in wrote his thesis on the third book of Spinoza's Ethics. In these he introduced the word theosophy, meaning the highest knowledge of God within the reach of the human mind. The highest lesson of theosophy was realised in the perception of the eternal oneness of the human and divine nature" Van den Bosch, p. In Horace Wilson, Boden professor of Sanskrit at Oxford, died. Muller had always had aspirations for this prestigious position and put himself up as a candidate. The chair had been founded by Colonel J. Boden "being of the opinion that a more general and critical knowledge of the Sanskrit language will be a means of enabling his countrymen to proceed in the conversion of the natives of India to the Christian Religion, by disseminating a knowledge of the scope of comparative religion 4th edition weapons scriptures amongst them, more effectual than all other means whatsoever. At the time the Church played an important role in appointing university professors. To appoint the new Boden professor, a convention was held on December 7th of that year, where a great number of evangelical country clergy, whose assistance had been enlisted, appeared in Oxford to cast their votes.

Project MUSE - A Comparative Study of Religions
Max Muller and H. P. Blavatsky — Comparative Religion in the 19th Century by Bas Rijken van Olst
Religion Past and Present Online | Brill