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There zumamobile9 com user 37 other screenshots from other versions of this game or official promotional screenshots. There are no reviews for the Windows Mobile release of this game. You can use the links below to write your own review or read reviews for the other platforms of this game. Critic Score point score based on reviews from various critics. Description Zuma Deluxe is an Aztec-themed action puzzler. The goal: eliminate all the balls before they reach the skull. Balls roll down a track towards this skull and the player-controlled frog-shaped idol must shoot balls toward them to stop them, earning points. Using the mouse to rotate the frog and clicking to fire, the player needs to create rows of three or more of the same color balls to eliminate them. The catch is that each zumamobile9 com user is shaped differently. Part of the track may block others so that if the track is filled with balls, the ones behind some may be unreachable. Fortunately, the player has up to four lives, a rarity in many puzzle games. The game offers two different play modes:. The player must battle through multiple temples to find the secrets of the Zuma. In this "campaign mode", temples that have been defeated may be skipped by the player when the player continues the game zumamobile9 com user save game. The player must work the player's level up from Rabbit to Sun God. Levels used in this mode must first be unlocked from the Adventure Mode. Gauntlet Mode also offers 4 four additional play modes: Random, Spesific, Practice, and Survival. Xoleras added Zuma Deluxe Windows Mobile on Jan 25, Other platforms contributed by SciereKabushiXolerasgamewarriorStrategeIgorD and Zack Green User Score 5 point score based on user ratings.

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Zuma - Free downloads and reviews - CNET http: